Home Typing 1

Home Typing Program
Part 1

Article Typing To Create Multiple Streams Of Income
Typing articles and posting them to the Internet is the hottest thing on and is rapidly expanding to additional opportunities that are being created almost daily. The reason this has become so popular is that search engines are using fresh content on Web sites as a primary deciding factor to rank Web sites and blogs on the Internet. Web sites are constantly looking for fresh content and will actually pay for these articles. We will also show you how to benefit the same way these Web sites are by typing articles for yourself and creating ways you will make money just like a website, but WITHOUT having to own a Web site. You will never have to pay any additional money to do anything we show you in this program. This opportunity meets a need and a growing demand, so it is time for you to cash in on this opportunity.

We are going to show you several methods for making money by typing articles and using different methods to create income from a variety of sources. We will also give you a tutorial on how to type effective articles and what kind of content and subjects to use. Now if you are like us, we are not the most creative person, but we have found ways to create articles using other articles that are free to copy to help you post articles even if you are not creative. You will get detailed instructions on how and where to post your articles. The most effective way we are going to show you is how to create your own weblogs and how you can get your blogs indexed to the search engines to create traffic that will give you an income like other people you hear about generate everyday on the Internet.

The most effective way we are going to teach you is how to create you own weblogs and how to get your blogs indexed to the major search engines such as Google,Yahoo and MSN at no additional cost. By doing this you will create traffic that in return will create income you hear about people generating everyday on the internet. As we will have shown you already the examples of current members making over $1000 per day by being listed on MSN. We will show you even more through out the blog creating tutorial. We are doing this to one show you proof this actually works, and to help motivate you that financial success is in your reach.




Latest Success Story 3/2/09
One of the many opportunities we show you in our training is how to create blog articles, it is not the only way you will make money by typing articles, but may be the most prosperous. The recent search engine index rankings just came out this last week, and one of our members that followed the direction on how to create these Blogs, and posted them in Part 2 as we show you how to do.

Go To
http://www.GOOGLE.com and type a search for "Apple iPhone" and take a look at the first page. The website "http://appleiphone.blogspot.com" Yes that is a member that has the #1 page ranking. That search term is the number one search term for iPhones that gets 1,245,756 searches a month. This is also located on the second page of Yahoo and MSN as well. With that ranking of #1 for this member it has cost them $0 using this program and they are currently making over $800+ PER DAY and that is only going to grow as iPhones become more popular.

When ever you are doing searches on any of the search engines take a look at some of the sites, you will notice they are Blog Sites with the url .blogspot.com and many are members of My-Data-Team. This does work trust us.


We will show you more success stories in our programs training.

How You Will Make Money and Who Is Going to Pay You
This is a very detailed program. We will explain many opportunities and sources of income that will pay you for your article typing and blog postings. The primary ways you will be paid are by Check, Wire Transfer or Pay Pal.

Here are just a few of the income sources this program can generate.

Income Source # 1
One of the most popular and successful sources is Google AdSense. Google will PAY YOU to post Internet ads on the articles you post. You get paid for people simply reading your articles. There are two ways you work this:(1) by posting articles in the free blogs you will create and post to the Internet, and (2) by using a special Google AdSense ID code to post to different Web sites along with your short article postings, they will share earnings for your Google Ads. All this is free and fun to do.

Income Source #2
The next method we will teach you to do is to use affiliate companies such as Clickbank to post to your articles and blogs that will earn you commissions when someone visits your article and makes a purchase through the links you will place on your blogs and in your articles. We are going to show you how to find subjects and create content that will be relevant to any of these 10,000 Clickbank companies that will actually direct the reader into these affiliate companies' Web sites. We will explain more about Clickbank a little later if you do not know how they work. Average commissions can be from $20-$50 or more EACH.

Income Source #3
Another way to make money by typing articles and blogs is from from companies that will pay you to post their ads to your blogs once your blogs are indexed to the search engines. You can get paid as much as $35 per day from each of the companies that want to post their ads, no one has to purchase anything from them to get paid; you simply put their promotion banner on your blog and you get paid. We will show you how you can get as many as 5 banners on your site at one time, creating a source of income for doing nothing but having fun posting simple articles.The reason they do this is to get exposure for their Web sites so they are willing to pay you for this. This can create as much as $175 a day and cost you nothing but a little effort.

Income Source #4
We have companies we will show you that will pay for articles to publish. They will pay for fresh content articles that can be about almost anything under the sun. You could type a short article about personal experiences and get paid. As a matter of fact, many of these companies look for exactly that type of creation, original and informative. These companies will only publish original content, so you can't copy any articles that have already been posted to the Internet. Members have been paid as much as $100 for their articles that were only two paragraphs long. These companies, in return, sell these articles to Web sites looking for fresh content to place on their Web sites to help their own Internet rankings. This is a great way to make money for expressing your own creative styles.

Income Source #5
What if we told you that you can make money for searching the Internet? One of the article submitting companies will give you a personal Google search bar that you can use to do your everyday searches. We will explain how to use this search bar to make money, but you must not abuse it or you can be removed from program. So get ready to make money for something you already do more than likely on a daily basis.

Getting Started
We are going to now give you a complete tutorial on how to do everything we just mentioned. It will be very important to read through everything we are going to show you. Take the time now to learn how to do all of these opportunities and it will pay off.

Google Adsense
Setting Up Google Adsense Account
You will need to sign up for a free Google AdSense account that will be needed for several of the methods we show you. Google is going to pay you for placing their search engine ads in your articles and on your blogs. You get paid from $.01 cents to $10.00 for EACH CLICK that is generated through your articles or blogs. You will also get paid for every 1000 impressions (when someone just visits your article). We are going to give you a detailed tutorial on how to sign up and get your account established with Google, so pay close attention. This is very easy. (No one has to purchase anything for you to get paid)

Because Google Adsense seems to change their policies daily, we have two options to sign for your free Google Adsense account. If option#1 has any problems, then resort to option# 2 which will assure you successful sign up.


1.) Click on the button below to start the sign up process.


2.) Next ,click on "Getting started is easy!"

3.) Use the following information for
Web site Information

For Website URL: Use ONE of the following

If your application gets declined for any reason, just re-apply using the other URL we supply above. The reason this happens is an automated bot will not scan the site you added and will send a rejection notice. DON'T PANIC, just re-apply, or use option #2.


1.) Skip the Google Adsense option sign-up process for now.

2.) Go to opportunity #4 "Creating Weblogs"

3.) Follow the directions to set up your Blogger.com account.

4.) After you have created your first blog with Blogger.com, you now will use that blog URL address when Google Adsense asks for a Web site URL.

5.) Follow the rest of the directions we provide to sign up with your Google Adsense account.

Additional Sign-up Notes for Google Adsense:

Select the following on sign up:

Website language: Select English

Account type: Individual

Then fill in the rest of your personal information for who you want your paycheck made out to and where you want it sent.

Product Selection
AdSense for Content
AdSense for Search

If you forget to check these, no worry, your account will be fine with the selected options.

Check off all the policies and SUBMIT INFORMATION

Google will now review your application and send you an approval with in 24-48 hours on average. Once approved you can log into your account. This is where you will be able to run reports on daily, weekly, monthly, and all time earnings you have generated by displaying Google ads in your articles and blogs.

Getting Google Adsense Publisher ID
How Google Adsense works - You will not need to do anything but place a simple code Google will provide you. Google will do the rest by displaying the relevant content of ads to your articles and blogs. We will show you how to get the codes.

Getting Your Google Adsense ID Codes:

To place your Google AdSense ads into articles, you will have to enter your Google AdSense ID. This will allow you to display your Google ads. To get this code log into your Google Adsense account, go to "MY ACCOUNT"
at the bottom of page and locate the code:

Adsense For Content: ca-pub-123456789101112
(Each account will have its own number.)

The ca-pub-123456789101112 is the code you need to input when asked for Google Adsense Publisher ID

How to Write an Article for the Web
We are going to give a generalization of how to choose content and format articles to post to the web. We also will give you a source for getting articles for free that you can change to learn the format of an article or to use as an example of formatting your own articles for posting.

The Basics To Writing A Web Article
Most web-marketing experts tout the power of articles for their ability to create inbound links and enhanced credibility for websites. But what they don’t tell you is… how the heck do you write an article?

You need two important elements for a great article: something to say and the means to say it. First let’s discuss "something to say", otherwise known as content.

It is impossible to write something of interest to others without good, meaty content. Content comes from your interests and experiences. To generate content you need to look at yourself and your life in a new way. Look for situations in your day which "hit home" in some way. If you are intrigued, frustrated, thrilled, challenged or otherwise awakened, then pursue the topic in greater depth.

As you work and play, have an extra mental circuit running which observes your life. Let’s pretend this circuit is a separate person, the Observer. Now when you go along your way, occasionally become the Observer and try to cultivate a new point of view. The Observer is not mired in your day-to-day struggles. Instead, the Observer watches you struggling, with clear unemotional vision yet with humor and an interest in patterns and themes.

Becoming the Observer will help you discover the interesting parts of your life which you can then bring to your reader. You can develop your golden nuggets of experience further by expressing them aloud to others (or even just to yourself). Through verbalization, you will find additional points of view and experiences of others to enrich your topic.

Then, research your topic by word-searching on your favorite search engine.

Eventually a theme or pattern will emerge. Go a step further and try to create a solution, position or attitude with regard to the theme. This will become your unique "take" on the subject.

Example: A while ago a consultant hired by one of my customers was irritating me by getting visibly excited whenever a small problem or issue appeared on our mutual project. I developed this into a more universal theme and wrote "Beware the Chicken Little Consultant".

The theme is consultants who use fear tactics.
The position taken in the article is that such consultants should be dismissed and their users should educate themselves from less emotional sources.
The attitude of the article is lightly humorous and mocking. Calling the consultant "Chicken Little" in the title is an example of this.

So far we have covered how to find and develop content, including arriving at a position and an attitude about the central theme. When you have come this far, start writing immediately.

First, jot down a few sample titles which will help guide you in your writing. Write some key points you want to be sure to cover. Then, get started writing the article.

When you write, imagine that you are sitting by a campfire with a smart and interested friend. You are comfortable and lighthearted. Your unique personality is shining through. You have a lot to share and this excites you. Tell that friend your story. What is the first thing she needs to know? Lay the groundwork step by step. Toss in a wry comment or two but don’t lose the central path.

Tell your story in an order which would be most understandable to your listener. The order might be chronological or logical, building from one point to the next. Keep going until you bring it to a satisfying endpoint.

During this part of the writing, which we affectionately call "puking", try to refrain from second-guessing your words. You spent much time filling yourself with ideas. Now is the time to puke them all out. There should be a feeling of "flow". The words should want to come out. Let them. You will feel empty and good when you are finished.

After we "puke", We do a few quick re-reads and fix obvious problems such as reorganizing the order of certain paragraphs, or making the "person" consistent. This article is written in first(I) and second(you) person. In it, we are talking to you. It could have also been written in third (they) person. Example: "Experienced writers organize their ideas chronologically or logically".

You can mix the "person" for a lively article. Just be sure it’s not awkward.

Look also for time consistency. Is your story written in the present? This article is written in the present. Things are happening right now. In one portion we refer to an article we wrote in the past, however the analysis of the article was written in the present, because the article still exists.

You can mix past, present and future in your article. Drawing from the past and projecting into the future are powerful presentation methods. In your re-read, make sure that this is being done correctly. Inform your readers without confusing them.

Check to make sure you are consistent with regard to singular and plural. Example of doing it wrong: "We want to inform our readers without confusing her".

Make sure each idea has its own paragraph. When writing for the web, remember that your article may be displayed in narrow newspaper-like columns. Paragraphs should be short. Avoid paragraphs with more than six sentences (Don't Use My Program Tutorials as and Example :)) Keep sentences short. If you must have a long sentence, follow it with a short one to perk up the reader and keep her motivated to continue reading.

Here is a big one: cut out all extraneous words. Don’t repeat. Pretend each word is worth $5 and you are paying the tab. When you finish slashing words, go back and do it again. You will be surprised that you had so much filler.

When giving a list of points, do your reader a favor and write the points in a list with numbering or bullets. Don’t make the reader cherry-pick your ideas out of a blob of text.

Avoid reusing words. Keep them varied and fresh.

Check your spelling!

Now that you have done your re-reads, save your work. Leave it alone for a day or two. You need this time to forget what you wrote. Next time when you edit, you will read with fresh eyes. Weaknesses in your article will jump out. Time to clean again.

Now read the article out loud. Speak every word clearly and not too fast. A good article should not only look good on the page, but it should also sound great when performed.

When we arrive at this point, we will typically publish the article on my blog. This is a low risk activity because we can always edit it again later. After 5-7 days, if we can’t find anything else to fix, we will submit the article for syndication. This is the point of no return. Once the article is out there will be no more fixing.

Writers write because they feel a need. When they write, they feel fulfilled. It’s possible that you could be a writer. With effort you can experience the gratification of seeing your words in print and your ideas spread across the Internet.

What To Write Article About
There really are not any guidelines for what to write your articles about. You can actually write about subjects you may have experience with; you may be an expert and not even know it. As an example, if you have children you deal with on a daily basis, you might be an expert on how to manage them and the everyday interactions you have with them. Write an article on some tips you have learned about how to manage your children. You might know everything about carpooling, time management, or making quick meals in a crunch, etc. You might have had a bad day dealing with a certain situation; you can actually vent that through many of the companies we will show you.

When typing articles for your blogs, you are going to want to incorporate some of the 10,000 Clickbank company's Web site products into your subjects. We are going to give you some insight on that when it comes time to create your blogs.

You DO NOT want to write articles about negative subjects such as racism, hate or pornographic material. You cannot use profanity or defamation. Just keep it clean and you will be fine.

Do You Have Writers Block?

Question: Please, please tell me, how can I overcome
writer’s block?

Answer: We feel your pain. Writer’s block is related to
procrastination, but is much more serious. It stops us dead
in our tracks and strikes fear in our hearts. It doesn’t
have to be that way. If you follow the same writing plan
every time you write, it will eliminate stress and help you
avoid the dreaded WB.

Here is a step-by-step plan you can use to avoid writer’s block. Here are some techniques you can use to start your fingers flying over the keyboard:

You Are The Boss: If you are having a tough time with a certain part of your article, delete it and go in a different direction. Replace it with something you feel better able to concentrate on.

Switch Things Up: If you can’t write your introduction, write your conclusion!

Google It: Use a search engine to read what others have written on your topic. Don’t copy them but do use their points to stimulate your own creativity.

Take A Walk: Get away from your computer and get a fresh perspective. Or, take your laptop outside and let the sun warm you up.

Just Do It: If you can’t write on your topic, just write about anything that comes into your head. Write about how you have writer’s block, write anything you can think of.

Sometimes, just getting your fingers moving is enough to get your creative juices flowing.

Whatever you decide to do, don’t give up. Only those who give up have no chance to succeed. Sit back, relax and read some articles written by someone you admire. When you least expect it, the clouds will part and your writer’s block will fade away.

FREE Articles For You To Use
The following Web site has thousands of articles for you to copy or get ideas from. We suggest only copying these to post to the Google AdSense Revenue Sharing forums if they are allowed. You can use them for initial posts to your blogs we are going to show you how to create, but then use your own content when adding additional posts to your blog. The best plan is to use these free articles only to get ideas on what to type about and how to properly format you own articles.


Here is the FREE article retrieval websites


When you have time we have an ebook on "The Lazy Mans Way to Writing Articles." This is a very informative ebook. We suggest to read this after our training. This will make more sense on how people can make thousands a day writing articles.


Making Money Typing Articles

It is time to give you the companies and opportunities so you can start making money typing and posting your articles. We are going to list four different methods that will make you money.

Here are the four opportunities for you to choose from:




(most popular and highest earning opportunity we offer)

1.) Posting Articles To Adsense Revenue Sharing Sites

Here is the first way to earn some extra cash by posting articles to the Internet.

You are going to use your Google AdSense account to make money from your original contributions to the AdSense Revenue Sharing Forums that we will list for you. You will sign up for free to the selected forums and enter your Google Adsense account ID in your profile. Google AdSense ads will be displayed with your original content, and 50% - 100% of the revenue generated from these ads will be credited to your Google AdSense account.

On every thread you start, one out of three page views will display your AdSense ID instead of that of the forum's adsense account. This means that when people click the ads on your threads, you earn money. Threads are new posts you will create on any subject matter you choose. Just read each forum's guidelines if they have posting criteria you must meet. Most of these will allow most any type of posting that is not vulgar or profane.

These companies will add a check to make sure AdSense adverts are never served to members with their own publisher-id (to prevent them clicking their own ads and violating Google's own clicking policy).

Tips When Signing-up for the Following AdSense Sharing Forums

1. Make sure to enter your Google Adsense Publisher ID when asked.
2. You DO NOT need to answer any of the following if asked
AdSense Channel
AdSense Channel for AdLink
AdSense Channel for Search

3. Make sure you read the terms or guidelines so you can stay in compliance.
4. Read other posts to get an idea of how much content you should provide.

Here is a list of the top adSense sharing companies,
sign up for one or sign up for all

This forum displays one Google AdSense advertisement in the upper right area, as well as in line when viewing a post thread. They use Google AdSense to automatically serve relevant ads for the content on the page. Google pays AdSense publishers on a per click basis as well as per impression. You will enter your Google AdSense publisher ID in the account option "EDIT OPTIONS." You can add your comments to existing posts and have your Google AdSense displayed, or create new post topics and have your Google AdSense displayed to start earning money. Take a look at the forums to get an idea on how it all works. You can create a profile signature which will allow you to add a blog or a Web site if you have one.

This program will pay the best on revenue-sharing with your Google AdSense. Although most revenue-sharing forums are 50/50 in sharing your AdSense and their AdSense, this site will show your AdSense 70% of the time for a 70/30 split. You can also add affiliate IDs from the sites we showed you in Blog Articles Part 1 (LinkShare, ClickBank, PayDotCom, and Commission Junction) so you can promote any of the thousands of companies and earn additional money if you choose. ShareYourExperience.com will do the advertising for you and split your earnings for that as well. When you use ShareYourExperience.com you can submit articles,comments and promote your favorites and get paid. You will enter your Google AdSense publisher ID in the sign-up process. All other information in sign-up such as "Auction Ad ID" (ebay), Interests are optional. If you run auctions in eBay you can add your Auction ID and have your auctions show.

After you enroll as an Author, you will be able to enter your unique Google AdSense publisher ID code into the system. From that point on, when a visitor visits any of your articles or blog posts, the Google AdSense ads will display every other time, using your I.D. Therefore, 5050Articles will be splitting the Google AdSense earnings with you. When one person visits your article or blog post, your Google AdSense will be shown. The next time someone views one of your articles or blog posts, 5050Article's Google AdSense will be shown. Everything is split 50/50! You will enter your Google AdSense publisher ID in the sign-up process; you can also add a picture of you if you choose. Create articles on any topics in the many categories that are provided and have your Google AdSense displayed to start earning money.

Ad revenue will be shared between all active authors of this site. This site displays advertisements when you view it. They use Google AdSense to automatically serve relevant ads for the content on the page of your articles. Google pays AdSense publishers on a per click basis as well as per impression. You will enter your Google AdSense publisher ID in the sign up process; you can also add a picture of you if you choose. Create articles on any topics and have your Google AdSense displayed to start earning money.

You will type articles, reviews on books, music and DVD (movies and television), more options are being added. Add your Google AdSense Publisher ID to your review pages and share revenue every time your Google AdSense is clicked on. Review Party will also allow you to add Amazon.com affiliate codes so you can display Amazon products as well. If you would like to sign up for Amazon you can go HERE. You will make commissions on any of the products sold through your link. So get paid two ways, Google AdSense and Amazon.com products.

Xomba will split the ad revenue with you 50/50 on everything you post. The more you post, the more you make. You can add your comments to existing posts and have your Google AdSense displayed, or create new post topics and have your Google AdSense displayed to start earning money. You will add your Google AdSense publisher ID in your Xomba main account page by clicking on "EDIT" then select the sub-menu button "ADSENSE."

This is a great forum, as you will see everything from intellectual studies, to online puzzles, to jokes on the forum board. You can submit articles on anything you would like, post stories, jokes, puzzles, play games etc. You will get paid with your Google AdSense that is posted along with your articles or posts. You can also make money with other programs they offer as well.Here is how you will add your Google AdSense publisher ID. When you sign up you will be asked to invite friends, click "CANCEL" and you will be brought to your main account page. Here you can edit your profile, upload pictures etc. On this page you will see the option "MANAGE REVENUE SHARING." Click on that to set up your Google AdSense. IndiaStudyChannel.com will use a different method to add your Google AdSense publisher ID, as they will verify your Google account and add your ID automatically. To do this click on the "Create a new account or associate an existing AdSense account." After you click that link you will then select "Associate an existing Google AdSense account." Follow the instructions on the page which will ask you some information from your Google AdSense account to verify your Google account. After the verification your Google AdSense will be placed in all of your posts, articles etc.

Here you can post videos to the following sites along with your Google Adsense ID. You can use videos from other sites such as Youtube, Google Video and Daily Motion as an example to repost to these two sites. My suggestion is try to find funny original videos, because the more popular they are, the more exposure they will get, and then the more Google Adsense money you will receive. Here are the two sites that share the Adsense revenue with you.

Infectious Videos is a revenue sharing site that allows you to embed your favorite videos from across the web. You can provide your AdSense ID to get 50 percent of the impressions on your videos.

Flixya is a video-sharing site. Start sharing your videos from Youtube, Google Video, Daily Motion, and other video-sharing sites. Our revenue-share program is split 50-50. You will make 50% of the Google Adsense revenue generated by the videos you submit. The more traffic your video drives, the more ads will be displayed, and the more money you will make.

2.) Submitting Articles To Be Published

We have a few companies that will pay you for ORIGINAL articles to be published. You will have the option to sell your publishing rights for your articles. You can also keep the copyright, but sell the article for publishing as well. You will make more money for articles when you give all rights to the publishers; the choice is yours. Some articles can bring up to $100 per article. There is no specific content required; it all depends on what each publishing company is looking for at any particular time. Here are some companies that will pay to publish your articles.

Associated Content
If you are a US resident, and 18 years or older, you qualify to post your articles to Associated Content. You select a topic of your choice and submit your article for review. Associated Content will mail or e-mail an offer to you to publish your article. The offer will be based on whether or not you want them to have exclusive rights to your article. If you give them the exclusive rights, you cannot publish it anywhere else; if you keep the rights, you can publish the articles to your blogs or anywhere else you choose.

When you receive the offer you can accept it or deny it. Offers can vary from $5 to $50 or more depending on the popularity and the demand for the topic of your article.

You also can gain exposure for writing skills and actually receive job offers to work for particular companies online and in the comfort of your own home.

Once you select a channel you will be asked to select a sub-channel. When you have chosen the sub-channel, you will get a list of article titles. You can sort the list by "Featured article titles," "Recent article titles," or "Most popular." Your other option is to use the search in the upper right-hand corner to find article titles by keywords that match your interest. Once you have found an article title that most closely represents the concept of your article click on the "Write now" link.

Don’t think that you need to have a preconceived idea for your article before taking the above steps. Often writers come to this area and look through the lists provided for ideas and inspiration.

Instant Audience Of Millions
Choice Of Topics
Ongoing REVENUE For Every Article You Submit

My Essays
You will love this opportunity! My Essays Buys and Sells essays on their Web site. They are always looking for new essays and articles that they can sell. Many people go to this site and pay top dollar for an article or essay. There seems to be a lot of lazy high school and college students looking to get by the easy way and who are willing to pay for it.

The way this works is you submit your essay or article for review. If it is accepted you can name your price. The minimum My Essays will let you charge is $10 and some well-written essays will get $100 or more. My Essays may give you a ballpark figure of what you should charge. So if you like to write essay or have some lying around the house, submit them for free and see how much you can get.

Shvoong is a multi-language, abstracts-writing site with a goal to enable any reader to quickly navigate through long texts. The site focuses on writing abstracts for books, scientific articles, and news publications. The abstracts are written by guest users, who enjoy royalties for their work. Reading abstracts on the site is free. The site's profits are from advertising.
Translation of the Abstracts to the different languages is also done by guests (who get paid) and by an automated translation engine. If you think this sounds difficult it isn't, as all you will be doing is writing your own views on books, Web sites, news articles, magazines, etc. Shvoong will have categories for you to choose from to begin your article abstracts.

Write an abstract

  • Pick any book, article, website, newspaper or magazine, published anywhere in the world and in any language whatsoever.
  • Write your abstract (summary/review/analysis) in no longer than 900 words – your own words.
  • Log into your Shvoong account and post your abstract on the site.
  • Earn royalties according to your abstracts’ popularity!

What is an abstract?
A) Abstract of "books" or a Internet Web site means you write a summary
of the book or Web sites in 300 to 900 words (in your own words).

B) Abstract of a category such "Science & Humanities" (existing books or articles)
means you summarize a thesis with 300 to 900 words (in your own words).

C) Abstract of a newspaper (or magazine) article means you Summarize (again in 300 to 900 words) any existing newspaper in General or choose a certain section such as the daily news section, economics, sports or editorial opinion. In any case, please make sure you
choose the "Country" and the "Newspaper" from the given list.

How to write an abstract, simple guide lines

You Can CLICK HERE To See How To Type An Abstract

Constant Content
This is one of the best publishing sites you will find. They have several options that will allow you to get paid such as "Usage" (you get paid when someone uses your articles on their sites). "Full Rights" (most common as your articles publishing rights are purchased, which will pay the best). "Unique" (where you articles are purchased exclusively by someone, but you will still own the rights). To see that you can make some serious money take a look at the authors page on their site HERE. You will see some authors of articles have published over 1600 articles and at just an average price of $75 per article that totals over $120,000 in earnings for some of these authors. So you see that this can really pay off if you are active and established. The important thing is to submit articles, if you do not try this then you will not get paid.

Sign Up Notes:
You will sign up as an author to this site, allow up to 7 days for your membership to be verified and accepted. If after 7 days you do not hear from Content you will need to contact them directly. Once you are accepted you will be able to submit your articles.

eHow is a site dedicated to publishing article on how to do things. You will be surprised on what you can teach other people on "How To" subjects that maybe you are an expert at and don't even know it. You will see everything on "How To" on this site from "How to solve a physics problem" to "How to lace up your shoes" and everything in between. Maybe you do something everyday that you could write a "How To" article about. Here are just a few samples of the articles that have been submitted to eHow:

How to Cook Dinner for Yourself
How to Make Sense of a Break-Up
How to Prepare a Child for a New School
How to paint stripes on a wall
How to Get a Library Card
How to Get Rid of Fleas in your House
How to know if you have dry eyes
How to Hang Art
How to Start A Tree Planting Family Tradition
How to Host a Barbecue Party

As you see in these articles that these people are ordinary people that know a little something about a certain subject. You will submit your articles and get paid, or search the questions that have been submitted to eHow's site and if you can provide a "How To" article on the question, you will get paid for that as well. You will quickly see why this is a members favorite.

3.)Response Typist
Here is a way to make money for simply posting very short comments and pictures. We have paid forums and Review sites that pay you to post thoughts, articles, pictures. These posts can be as short as a few sentences in most cases, or a complete review on certain content if requested. You will also get paid to read and respond to other postings that are made in forums. Many people that love to chat on the Internet now will actually get paid to do this --- a win win situation. You are not going to retire off doing response typing but many members can make some extra money for FREE. spending as little time as less than an hour per day.

Here Are the Companies We Have Had Good Success With!

Mylot has implemented a system to give everyone who uses the Internet the ability to make money. The idea is pretty simple - if you contribute to the myLot Community --- whether it is by posting a new discussion, responding to a current discussion, commenting on a current discussion, or referring friends --- you earn money. Their goal is to provide Internet users a place to earn money using the Web on a day-to-day basis and provide access to information they need.

They pay each and every member of myLot based on their level of activity. All you need to do is sign up for a myLot account and they do the rest.

Get paid monthly with minimum account balance of $10 and carry forward of unpaid amounts. You have the option to increase your minimum payment to $25, $50 or $100. All payments will be in US dollars and made via PayPal or e-gold, depending on the country you reside in.


Get paid to post messages on GoldAge forum, $0.10 per post.
This forum is great in several ways. You can make money posting and replying to other posts; you can also post your affiliate companies from Worldwide Data Entry and Marketing Typist to this forum. You will use Golden Age's special ad-posting section and can actually earn money for posting your blogs we show you in opportunity # 4 of this Part 1. We posted a blog to try it out and received over 150 views in the first week, so it does work. Simply use the main forum, post your messages and get paid.


ProBloggers is more of a job board as you will see forums and bloggers willing to pay you to post to their sites. You will find many different types of posting projects on this board. All you will need to do is contact the site admin as listed in the posting and get the requirements and how much the pay will be to make your posts. You can decide based on the pay rate to make your posts to these sites. You will see there are some very good opportunities that are constantly updated on this board daily.


This is such a good opportunity we were skeptical when we first signed up. To date we have made hundreds of dollars submitting my reviews on almost any subject. They will pay an average of $1.50 per review and it does not have to be longer than a paragraph in length. The problem we have is actually submitting too much content as we always get carried away. Take a look at their webpage and they will explain more; also they will show you some previous review posts as an example.


Tips On How To Make Money as a Response Typist
Visit other forums to get ideas on topics and content. We are not saying to copy it outright, but you can get some good ideas that will speed up your posting time.

To Get Access To Over A Thousand Forums

2.) If it is allowed use your Blog URLs from opportunity #4 on this Part 1 to promote your blogs. This can also generate additional income potential other then the post itself. Just make sure it is allowed before you post links to these paid forums so you don't get suspended.

If you are bored and are looking for something to do, that is the perfect time to be a Response Typist. You can actually entertain yourself while making money.

4.) If you have friends or family that would like to do this as well, use your referral link to refer them and increase your status with these sites. You do not need to go to all that trouble if you do not want to, however it worked so well we continue doing that to this day.

4.)Creating Blog Articles
This is the best opportunity we can offer you for making a lot of money: create Web logs (blogs) and post to the Internet. There are several methods you can use with blogs to create an incredible income. We will even show you current members that are making hundreds of dollars a day with the blogs they created and posted to the Internet and it never cost them a penny.

If at first glance you are thinking this is to much work, DON'T MAKE THAT MISTAKE. It will appear that this is a lot of work, in reality it is one of the simplest things you will learn. Just read through the instructions (A couple of time if needed) then apply your self step by step. After you have created your first blog the rest is down hill. We are here to assist you in any of the steps if you need the help. The effort you put into this opportunity can pay rewards for the rest of your life. We honestly know this from experience. SO DO NOT GIVE UP.

What is a Blog?
The blog craze is in full swing and it is predicted that the trend will experientially gain momentum for years to come. We will define what a blog is, how they differ from websites and how blogs can be used to make money online. .

Here is a definition of a blog according to Wikipedia.com:
A weblog, which is usually shortened to blog, is a Web Site where regular entries are made (such as in a journal or diary) and presented in reverse chronological order. Blogs often offer commentary or news on a particular subject, such as food, politics, or local news; some function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic. Most blogs are primarily textual although many focus on photographs, videos or audio. The word blog can also be used as a verb, meaning adding an entry to a blog.

The difference between a blog and a traditional Web site is the way in which they are updated. Web sites are typically static content, updated only periodically, where as blog technology allows a user to update the content as often, or as quickly as they like. Originally blogs were used by individuals as publicly available online journals. In the past few years, businesses and politicians have started to discover the power of the blog, and their popularity and use has taken off.

One way blogs and Web sites differ is in the way that search engines view them. Because of the static nature of a website search engines visit them relatively in-frequently making it difficult for a site to get noticed and listed in search results. Blogs on the other had are visited often by search engine spiders due to their dynamic content nature of posts. It’s much easier to get a blog ranked high in the search engines compared to Web sites.

It’s very easy to set up a blog. You can set up a blog in less then five minutes. The nice thing about a blog is that it’s like having your own Web site but you don’t have to learn how to make a Web site or pay someone to host it. It is 100% FREE.

We are am going to show you how to set up a free blog at Blogger.com.

Once you set up a blog you can add "posts" to your blog every hour, day, week or month. You can add pictures to your blog and let other people post to your blog.

So basically a blog is like a Web site but easier to create and manage. The simplicity of blogging has made it one of the fastest growing trends on the Internet. Even my father can go to blogger and set up a blog about our family.

Income Sources on Your Blogs
Now that we all know what a blog is let’s talk about how blogs can make you money Below is a list of some of the ways blogs can make you money:

Googles Adsense can be put on blogs.
You will be able to place Google AdSense code into your blog posts. Once posted, the code then appears as an ad. When users click the ad, you make money. The price you make per click varies each time but can sometimes be more then just a few bucks. It all depends on the market/niche your blog falls into. Google’s AdSense will pull ads relating to the content on your blogs.

Banners promoting products can be put on blogs.
We will give you companies that will set you up with companies that will pay to place promotion banners on you blogs. These companies realize the importance of blogs and how effective they are in creating traffic and sales to their site. You can make anywhere from $5 to $35 or more per day for these banners to be placed on your blogs.

Affiliate Links can be placed in blog Entries.
Another way to make income from a blog is by promoting affiliate links such as PayDotCom and/or Clickbank which we give a complete tutorial in part 1 of Global Data Entry. You can sign up with relevant affiliate programs, then promote them on your blog. You can make a review on an affiliate product; when a visitor reads your review and clicks the links and buys the product, you earn money. You can also add affiliate links to the menus in your blog, your signature lines, etc.


Successful Profit making blogs
take advantage of the above listed items.

Since anyone can start a blog and it’s free to run a blog, the art of blogging has become one of the easiest and cheapest ways to make money on the Internet.

How To Build A Successful Blog

If you want to build a successful blog, there are main things that can certainly help you get started. Although many people think that building a successful blog is one of the easiest tasks out there, they are wrong. A successful blog takes more than just setting up a blog page to chat about your life. You need to focus on these building blocks in order to have the framework for a successful blog. Read on to learn exactly what you need to make your blog as successful as possible.

The Look
The first building block for a successful blog is The Look. What this means is that your blog should start with an appropriate style. You can begin when you first start your blog. You will be using a blogging program that caters most to beginners, you will see that it will offer different templates for you to choose. There will be something for everyone. You can go through the templates to choose which colors you like best for the layout. Experiment with the layouts to see which templates look best on the computer screen. You can always go back and change the template later if you want to change the look of your blog. Make sure that if you are creating your own blog, without using a pre-created template that you make it look as professional as possible.

The Content
The content of your blog is the second key building block you will need for a successful blog. While you can choose to create posts that have no direction or purpose, you will find that when you post interesting commentary or short information filled articles that your traffic will increase. Although you may think it is interesting, most readers will not enjoy reading about your day to day activities, unless you make them into humorous stories. You will also want to use content relevant ot your 17,000 PayDotCom or Clickbank companies if you are choosing to add affiliate links to your blog for commissions.
It should also be noted that the more content you have on your site, the more successful your site will be. It is basically a numbers game at this point. The more you post, the more chances you will have the one of your posts will attract the eye of someone searching for a related topic.

Consider your audience
Even if your blog is generally personal, still, it would be better to consider the minds of your readers. You have to think of something that would interest them. After all, most of the reasons of people who write blogs are not at all confined to their own personal motives. Most of them would love to be heard or read and would love to be known, in some way or another, even for just a minute. Hence, it is very important to come with a write up that everybody can understand, not necessarily that these people can relate to it but they can understand it.

Avoid making multifaceted and complicated blogs
In order to have an interesting blogs, try not to use some highly technical and highfalutin words. After all, it is not a science discourse or a debate that you are making, so better stick to simple facts and short blogs.

Bear in mind that most people who use the Internet usually do more scanning than scrutinizing each site word for word. Therefore, it would be better to come with blogs that will not bore your readers just because you have these lengthy articles.

Make it interactive
As much as possible and if your capacity will allow it, make your blog interactive. You can do this by placing some video or audio clips in your blog. You can even place an area for comments or for some feedbacks. In this way, you can get some impressions or reactions of other people. Who knows, you might even gain some friends just by making them feel at home in your blog site. Indeed, blogs are not created just for the mere fun of it. It also has its own purpose in the world of the Internet. Therefore, for people who wish to harness their craft, as far as writing is concerned, blogs are the best way to do it.

Be social
Make sure to comment on other blogs, and add blogs to your bloglinker that you like. (we will show your how to ad Bloglinker a little later) This is half the fun in blogging anyway, and it will help build up your popularity with other bloggers.

It goes without saying that you should keep your blog updated often, we would say at least 3 times per week. And you want to write some good postings that other people will find interesting. Don’t just report what others are saying, have an opinion. It’s your blog, and that’s what will drive people to interact with you.

The Ads
The next building block is advertising. Bloggers can make a steady income using advertising on their blogs. The trick is to have a good mixture of ads and content however. If you fill your blog with ads and have no content for readers, they will be distracted and not visit your site again. Choosing the right type of advertising program is part of it as well. That is why I am going to have you use program such as Google AdSense if you want a quick way to get started in the advertising arena. The banner advertisements will come later after your blogs have been posted.

Using keywords and phrases in your posts
Keywords - We cannot stress the importance of this but I’m not going to go into detail on keyword identification other than to say that each blog entry should focus on a keyword phrases or name - especially the title. Be sure to use your titles carefully and use the same keywords in your entry. This will mark the blog entry to the keyword topic (remember, each blog entry is a separate web page that can be indexed on the search engines). Also, be sure to include the keyword near the end of the blog entry as well. As an example if you are posting a blog about "Dog Traing" you would want to use Keywords such as "Dog Training" as a title in the header and to start your blog posting, and then close it our with "Dog Training" at the end of the post. Do this every time you create a new post for your blog.

The Dedication
The most important building block of a great blog is dedication. You must be willing to be dedicated to the blog. You have to put in the time and energy to get positive results. Even if you have the other components, unless you take the time to update your posts 3 Times A Week, you will not be getting optimum results. Dedication can help a lot. It can hide the fact that you are a beginner and allow you to create a beautiful and functional blog. No matter how little experienced you are dedication can cover that up. You can have a great blog as long as you take the time to give some of your energy to the project.

REMEMBER The more you post, the more visitors you will be likely to get and it will give more content for the search engines to find you with. Try to post every day for a week to ten days at creation of blog, and then at least 3 times a week after that, also make sure you are providing good quality information.

Do not get ahead of yourself
When you just start out it would probably be best to just have one blog and focus on that until you are making money with it, then you can duplicate it and start another one. When you think you have got the hang of it, then you can start as many blogs as you see fit and therefore duplicate your earnings.

How To Find Winning Ideas for your Blog Topics
Blog topics are an important part of a successful blog. Some bloggers simply write about whatever is on their mind, creating an online journal of sorts. Successful bloggers know however that to have a great blog, you cannot always write about what you want to write about. You must also keep the interests of your readers in mind when writing. After all, if you want a successful blog, you have to depend on the readers to show up often. To keep your blog as fresh as possible, consider using these Six ways to find winning ideas for your blog topics.

1.) Include Your Affiliate Companies In Topics
You may consider writing blogs about the PayDotCom and Clickbank products/services you are willing to promote. You might provide descriptions, as well as features of the products, and possibly include some reviews or comments about users of the product. For example, you could write articles about some digital products and provide links to your blogs. Submit the articles to free article directories and let them republish your articles. Once readers show interest on the PayDotCom or Clickbank products you are promoting, they will tend to click the link you have provided at the bottom of the articles back to your blog and let the blog do the rest of the "endorsing task". Members are seeing the most success from this method of using PayDotCom and Clickbank companies as the topics of their articles. We recommend you visit the link below to see how to add affiliate companies with your affiliate promotion links/hoplinks into your blog. For doing this you can make your 50%+ commissions for every sale your blog produces.

Take a look at the following blog.



Notice in the blog you just visited, all the Clickbank companies the reader is directed to through the article in the blog. You can see that by the call-to-action "GO HERE" they placed at the end of their article. The editor features of the blog creator will allow you to highlight the GO HERE by dragging your mouse over the phrase you select, then use the "Link feature" to add your affiliate promotion link/hoplink. Notice that the blog also list additional Clickbank companies on the side bar. There was a total of 8 Clickbank companies listed on the blog, increasing the chances of someone visiting at least on of these Web sites and creating commissions for the publisher of this blog.

With an effective blog, you will be able to reach hundreds to thousands of potential clients all over the world. Thus, there is the opportunity of earning more than any other existing affiliate programs over the Internet. Just imagine receiving 50 percent of the payments made on every PayDotCom or Clickbank deal. Good deal, isn’t it?

Create the best possible blog out of your wildest ideas and earn more PayDotCom or Clickbank profits throughout the rest of your affiliate marketing career.

2.) Do Your Research
Smart bloggers know that each day there are popular search terms listed on large search sites. Bloggers can use these search terms to help them get more traffic to their blogs. Each day a blogger can look at these popular search terms and creating posts using them. If the blogger is lucky, they will increase their traffic due to more people looking for that term. By researching the topics that are hot with readers each day, bloggers can create things specifically for the readers. Doing research may take a little time and you might never be writing about what you want to write about, but you will likely have more traffic than ever.

3.) Ask Around
If you have been blogging a while you might have began to hit low points where you really have no more topic ideas left. Some writers call this "writer’s block" while others just see it as a small hurdle to be surpassed. When you have come to this difficult point, the best thing to do is ask around. Talk to interesting people you know. You can ask them what topics they find most interesting at the time. If you would rather be a little more subtle, simply bounce a few topics off of them to see which ones they respond strongly to. Use the topics that they respond strongly to in order to gather ideas for posts.

4.) Use the News
The news is a great place to gather topic information for your blog. News teams research and investigate for hours to gather their topics. By using similar topics, you can skip all of the hard research work and still be a success. Never use their ideas exactly, just take them and use them to develop your own. For instance, if there is a major political issue going on in the news, consider creating a post about what you think about it. You don’t have to use the news story, just the topic idea along with your own words.

5.) Follow the Lead of Others
When you are looking for great blog topics, consider visiting popular blogs to see what they are talking about. Don’t steal their ideas, but use the visit to stir up great ideas of your own. Sometimes when you see others working at their highest potential it can spark new potential in yourself. You can see which topics get the best response for their blog and decide if you could get the same response with a similar topic.

6.) Sleep On It
If all else fails and you are still trying to come up with a list of interesting blog topics, consider this interesting strategy. Go to sleep each night with a clear head. In the morning, before you even open your eyes, target the first thing on your mind. Write it down immediately so you don’t quickly forget. Then use these things to develop interesting blog topics. You would be shocked at how inspiring our first thoughts can be. They are so interesting because they are not clouded with any outside stressors from reality. They are simple thoughts typically that can be used successfully on a blog.

These Six ways to find winning blog topics are proven to be among the best. A blog topic is one of the basic important aspects of your blog. Be sure that you pay attention to which topics get the best response on your blog so you will know which ones are most effective. Use all or some of these tips to help you get on your way to better blog topics right away!

Proof This Works!
We will list some of our member's blogs that have been indexed to the search engines and are currently making hundreds of dollars or more PER DAY! Go To any of the three search engines
and type a search for:

Type these search keywords:
On the #1 page on GOOGLE, you will see this blog :
This member is making over $1000 per day with this blog.

Next Search:
On the #1 page on GOOGLE, you will see this blog :
Also listed on Page 1 of MSN and Page 2 of Yahoo.
This member is making over $800 per day with this blog.

Next Search:
On the #1 page on GOOGLE, you will see this blog :
This member is making over $500 per day with this blog.

Next Search:
On the #1 page on GOOGLE, you will see this blog :
This member is making over $600 per day with this blog.

Also this blog

On the #2 page on GOOGLE, you will see this blog :
Also listed on top pages of MSN and top pages of YAHOO.
This member is making over $300 per day with this blog.

You will find hundreds more as you do various searches in all the search engines!

Who's Next?

Getting Signed Up & Started With Blogger.com
It is time to create your first blog. We will walk you through the steps to sign up and create your first blog.


Sign Up Page:

This is a different account then the Google Adsense you signed up earlier.

Enter your e-mail address here (preferably the same one you used to sign up for Google Adsense with. This will make it easier to remember when logging in later.

B.)Choose a password

C.)Retype your password

D.)Choose a display name, this will be displayed on all of your blogs.

E.)Type the word verification that is displayed on YOUR sign up page.

F.)Check off the Accept Terms.

G.)After all done, click Continue.

You will be at this "Name Your Blog" page

A.) Select a blog title that best fits your blog subject. This is only for your personal information for categorizing your blogs in your blogs account page.

B.) Select your blog address URL - This is what will appear in your url address you place in your internet browser. If you are creating a Dog Training blog then try something like: "dogtrainingmastery" as an example. So if you chose this as your blog address Url, your complete URL address would be

This is how others will be able to access your blog Web site.

C.) After all has been completed click Continue

Now "Choose Your Template" layout

You can choose from a variety of template layouts. This is how your blog will appear when someone clicks on it. After you finished your selection, click "Continue."

You will then be taken to a screen to start posting, click on the "Start Posting."

Here is the Article Post Page


You first will need to select a title for your blog, using the tips I gave you earlier on how to incorporate keywords into title. So if you are writing a blog on dog training, then you can select a title like "Dog Training Tips" Thus you use a very popular keyword for the search engines in your title. The search engines use this to index you for search results.

You can go to the following Web site for a handy keyword-selecting tool that will help you select popular keywords for your blog titles. The site is Icon Interactive; you will type in a broad word and all related searches using that word are displayed with the number of times it has been searched with in a month's period. Using our dog training as an example, you would type a search for "DOGS" or "DOG TRAINING" and find related search terms that are relevant to the subject you are searching. Don't always choose the keywords that get searched the most, choose the ones that best fit your subject. You would see that DOGS gets searched 100 times more than DOG TRAINING, but Dogs would be too broad of a search term as compared to DOG TRAINING which is what you are typing your article about.


Take a look at the screen shot of the posting page above; notice how we will place the title again to start our blog. We then will type our article and also put the title at the very end.

Using The Posting Tools

A.)Change the text font.

B.)Change the size of your text.

C.)Select Bold or Inverted text.

D.) Select the color of your text.

E.) Link Web sites to your text - You can tie Clickbank Web sites to a slogan or saying. As an example you might want to use "To find out more GO HERE", To do this, click your mouse over the GO HERE until highlighted, then click on the Link button (E) a separate window will pop up for you to add your Affiliate URL and click OK to link your Clickbank Web site you are promoting to that GO HERE. You can use this to link to other Web sites as well.

F.) Change the text postilion on blog, Left, Center, Right.

G.) Add side margins to text.

H.) Spell-check your blog with this button.

I.) Upload and add pictures to your blog with this button.

J.) Enter whatever labels you like, separating them with commas. You can also click the "Show All" link to display a list of the labels you've used previously. Then just click on the labels to add them. When you publish your post, the labels will be listed with it. Clicking any of the labels will take you to a page containing only posts with that label.

Labels are handy if you blog about a lot of different subjects, since readers can then choose to view all of your posts on, say, dogs at once. Or politics, or knitting, or whatever you happen to be writing about. THESE ARE OPTIONAL and not required.

K.) Once you are satisfied with your blog, click on "Publish" to publish your blog to Internet.

After you have published your blog, you will be taken to a screen that says
Your blog post published successfully!"

Placing Google Adsense On Your Blogs
Now we are going to show you how to add Google AdSense to your blogs. You will need to click on the Template button located in your blogger menu. After you get to the template page click on
You Then Will Have A Separate Window Open Up Choose A New Page Element

1st - Click On Adsense "ADD TO BLOG"

2nd - The next page you come to click on
"Already have an Adsense account?
Sign in.

3rd - On the next page you will have to enter the Google AdSense e-mail address that you used to sign up with Google AdSense. Then choose EITHER your zip code OR the phone number you have listed in your Google AdSense account. This is needed so you can be verified and approval can be given to Blogger.com to post AdSense ads on your blogs. Don't worry Blogger.com will NOT have access to your Google AdSense account or any of your personal information, just the codes they need.

NOTE: You will also need to log into your Google Adsense account and click on "My Account" and then click on "Account Access" and allow Blogger.com access to your codes.

4th - After you submit your e-mail address and zip code OR your phone number, click "OK" and you will then be able to select the Google AdSense layout and ad style you want to be displayed on your blog. After you have chosen your layout and ad style, click on "Save Changes". The Google ads will now be displayed on your blog. You can now access your template page any time you want to change the layout or ad style. You now have Google AdSense.

Adding Additional Side bar Links To Blog
You can also add more links to your blog on the side bar or at bottom of your page, such as additional affiliate promotion links/hoplinks for PayDotCom and Clickbank companies or links to other Web sites.

1st -
Go to your Template page and again click on

When the separate window pops up, click on the "Link List" which is the first option at the top right and click on

The Configure Link List Page Will be Displayed

3rd - Enter the Web site you would like to add as follows:

A.)Title - This is what the link will say on your blog.
B.) Leave Blank.
C.)Select how you want your links sorted on your blog.
D.)Enter the Web site URL; the http:// is already given. This is where you would add your affiliate promotion links.
E.)Add the website name.
F.)When done click on "Save Changes."

You can add as many links as you would like to your blog.

Adding Meta Tags
This is one of the most important parts of getting your blog indexed to the search engines. You want to add what is called meta tags to the html code of your blog. This will allow search engines such as Google, MSN and Yahoo to properly read your blog. This is much easier than I am making it sound so wewill just walk you through this process.

The first thing is to edit the following Meta Tag BEFORE you insert it into your blog. We will use one of our meta tags for a pctv blog.

- Site">
A review of pc tv services

watch tv on pc,tv for pc,watch tv on computer">

Your Name Here">
Your E-Mail Address">/span>>

Only edit
what is in RED to match the subject and content of your blog.

Classification - Will be a general category for your blog subject.

Description - A brief description of your blog's subject.

Keywords - This is where you can add keywords that best fit your blog
subject. Use the Icon Interactive tool to help you choose
keywords. Add about 4-6 good keywords that really explain what
your blog is about.

Author - This can be either your blog nickname or your real name

Reply-To - Add your e-mail address here

After you have edited this code to match your content, you insert this ENTIRE code into your blog as follows.

1st -
Go to you Template Page again.

2nd - Click on Edit HTML

3rd - At the top of page you will see the following codes:

Copy and Paste the COMPLETE code you have edited between the followingtags shown above.
The code will be under the:

And above the:

4th -
After you have pasted the code in the template, click on "Save Template."

Remember where this code is located because you will need to add a GOOGLE verification Meta Tag in this location when I have you post your blog to GOOGLE.

If you have problem posting the meta tags to the "Template" of you blog, you can post it as follows: Go to ADD PAGE ELEMENT, then select HTML/JAVASCRIPT, and place the entire code there.

You are done setting up your blog. Remember to make new postings every day. You want to always Create NEW postings. This will add fresh content to your blogs and help index your blogs to the search engines much quicker. The postings after your original article do not have to be long; I usually will just add another paragraph. After about 10 days, you can post to your blog three times a week.

You can alos get some additional income sources after your blog has been indexed for at least 30 days. To get more income opportunities for your blog CLICK HERE

Go To Home Typing Part 2 CLICK HERE

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